= misconceived, ill-advised, infelicitous, off-beam, wide of the mark, indiscreet.
Ex: It is important that those engaged in IR should not be abused by misconceived goals based on a failure to recognize the essential properties of IR.
Ex: The cost implications of ill-advised or hastily prepared rules for American libraries catalogs would grossly transcend any short expenditures.
Ex: Past failures to make interactive machine translation viable as a tool for skilled translators have been the result of an infelicitous mode of interaction rather than any inherent flaw in the idea.
Ex: The director goes where even the previous two movies feared to tread -- to an exquisitely off-beam imaginary world of arrested adolescence.
Ex: The reviewer, focusing on questions of methodology, finds the book often wide of its mark and the method historically licentious.
Ex: Palma, described by many as an indiscreet braggart, told people at the gun range that the group was preparing for clandestine trips to Cuba.
* Algo desacertado = infelicity.
* estar desacertado = miss + the mark.
* ser desacertado = miss + the mark.